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Spliced is a Canadian animated television series produced by Teletoon and Nelvana. The series made its world premiere on Jetix in Latin America on April 20, 2009. The series currently airs in Canada on Teletoon, in the United States on qubo, in Australia on ABC3, in the United Kingdom on Nicktoons, in Latin America on Disney XD, and in Sweden on Nickelodeon. The series began airing in the United States on qubo on September 19, 2009 until the network dropped it from its lineup on October 24, 2009 but returned on September 28, 2010 as part of its "Night Owl" block.

Date: 09/19/2009
Rating: 6.2
Cast: Rob Stefaniuk, Joe Pingue, Katie Crown, Patrick McKenna, Mike Kiss, Julie Lemieux, Kedar Brown

Rob Stefaniuk as Peri (voice) in Spliced Rob Stefaniuk

Joe Pingue as Entrée (voice) in Spliced Joe Pingue

Katie Crown as Patricia (voice) in Spliced Katie Crown

Patrick McKenna as Two Legs Joe (voice) in Spliced Patrick McKenna

Mike Kiss

Julie Lemieux as Fuzzy Snuggums (voice) in Spliced Julie Lemieux

Kedar Brown as Princess Pony Ape Hands (voice) in Spliced Kedar Brown